The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Science

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Science




Artificial intelligence is a branch of science based on imitating the human brain. It aims to be able to do the activities in the same way that people can do thanks to their intelligence, and even go beyond it. The use of artificial intelligence in the field of nutrition is a very current field. For this reason, since it is a very new approach, there is a lack of data. The fact that nutrition is the basis of health and the widespread use of the concept of personalized nutrition, especially in recent years, increases the interest to artificial intelligence. Making use of artificial intelligence while making personalized diet plans rather than a general diet application and at the same time providing nutritional status assessment is a promising new window for the future. There is an approach that argues that artificial intelligence approaches may be safer than traditional methods, but it is necessary to support this theory with scientific data. It is necessary for nutritionists to support the studies to be carried out in order to realize the use of artificial intelligence in many different fields of nutrition science and to expand its use worldwide.

